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Retrograde’s Story

One day, Jake’s friend Ally lost a $50k brand deal with a huge company. All because Ally’s talent agent didn’t reply to the brand email for four days. When Jake heard about this he was angry and upset for Ally. This wasn’t the first time one of Jake’s creator friends had been let down by a talent agent. Jake decided to build an app that would monitor Ally’s email inbox and text her updates. Soon Ally’s friends started asking to use it, and suggesting things to add to the app. That’s when Jake called Grace (a very smart business woman + content creator) & Gary (a very smart software engineer) and asked them to help him turn his little app into a company. And that’s how Retrograde was born. Now our mission is to make sure no creator is ever let down by not having the right support again.

Retrograde in the press

Retrograde wants to replace influencer talent managers with AI. It just raised $2m to get started

Tala founder is part of trio aiming to "to reshape influencer industry" with Retrograde AI launch

Grace Beverley launches AI tool for content creators

How AI is transforming social media behind the scenes

AI talent agent for creators Retrograde raises €1.8m

AI assistant to usurp talent agencies for social media creators

Can AI replace creator talent managers? Unpacking where Grace Beverley's Retrograde might sit in the market - CORQ

Tala's founder has launched an AI business to democratise content ...

Retrograde founders photographed in July 2024 from left to right Jake Browne Retrograde’s Co-founder & CEO, Grace Beverley Retrograde’s Co-founder and Gary Meehan Retrograde’s CTO & Co-founder.

Retrograde founders photographed in July 2024 from left to right Jake Browne Retrograde’s Co-founder & CEO, Grace Beverley Retrograde’s Co-founder and Gary Meehan Retrograde’s CTO & Co-founder.

The Retrograde Team

Jake Browne
Co-founder & CEO

Jake Browne Co-founder & CEO

Grace Beverley

Grace Beverley Co-founder

Gary Meehan
Co-founder & CTO

Gary Meehan Co-founder & CTO

Niall Wade
Content Designer

Niall Wade Content Designer

Nicoletta Borza
Creator Growth Manager

Nicoletta Borza Creator Growth Manager


Getting started

Pricing and Payments

Talking To Your AutoPilot

Brand Deals and Campaigns

Sharing Retrograde with friends

Managing Your Career with Retrograde

Support and Troubleshooting